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Managing Users

Users are the backbone of any application, and ensuring a smooth onboarding process is crucial for scaling our user base quickly and efficiently. In this section, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about managing users in your Optical instance. You’ll learn how to view existing users, invite new ones, remove those no longer needed, and manage their access levels effortlessly.

Viewing Users

To view the list of users onboarded to your Optical instance, simply select the People icon from the left menu panel to navigate to the User Directory. Optical will retrieve and display the entire user base for your application. You can easily search for specific users using keywords or sort the list according to your preferred criteria with the sort function.


You can also filter users by role using the options on the left-hand panel. For instance, selecting the Author role will display only the users assigned to that role. In the example below, Optical indicates that there is only one user assigned to the Author role.

To customize how users are displayed in the directory, select the Layout Options accordion from the right-hand menu. Here, you can choose different display formats, such as table view, under the Layout section. Additionally, you can modify the information shown for each user by adjusting the fields under Title or Subtitle to suit your needs.


Adding Users

Adding users to Optical can be accomplished in 2 ways:

  1. Inviting users to join Optical
  2. Manually creating a user account within Optical

Inviting Users

To invite a user, click the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will open a panel where you can specify the user’s email address and assign their role within Optical. The invites will be sent to them via email. Invited users would then be required to create their profile and specify their Password and other personal details upon clicking the invitation link within the email.

Do look out for future invitations to Optical through TechPass as part of our longer term plan for seamless onboarding to Optical.


Do note that each invitation is limited to a single role. Also, to invite multiple users at once, separate their email addresses with a comma , as shown in the example below.


Creating a User Account

In addition to email invitations, you can also create user accounts directly through the Optical console and share the account credentials with your user via email or other means. To do this, click on the + icon at the top right corner of the table.


For security reasons, it’s recommended to use different communication channels to distribute the login credentials and passwords to each user.

To complete the user profile creation, you’ll need to fill in the required fields, including their email address, and set a login password for them. Be sure to remind users to change their passwords upon their first login to Optical.


Optical allows you to create a user account Token that can be used by underlying applications to perform API calls to Optical to create and manage content within the CMS portal.


Editing Users

Optical’s user editing feature offers two methods for making changes:

  1. Single edit
  2. Bulk edit

Single Edit

To edit a single user, click on the user’s Name to navigate to the edit panel. Here, you can make necessary updates to the user’s account, such as assigning a new Password or a new Title, among other details.


Optical also provides a comprehensive history of edits made to the user account since its creation. On the right-hand panel, you can view a list of all actions performed on the account. By clicking on any specific action, you can see the exact field updates that were made. If needed, the in-built Revert function allows you to roll back the changes to a previous version by simply clicking the revert button shown below.


Bulk Edit

To perform a bulk edit, select a group of users from the table and click the pencil icon in the top right-hand corner. You can then choose the fields to be edited and apply the updated values to all selected users.


Deleting Users

To delete a user, select the user to be deleted by clicking on the circle icon at the top left hand corner of the user's profile picture. You may select more than one user to be deleted at a single time.

Click on the red delete bin icon at the top right corner of the table. A confirmation popup will appear, asking you to confirm the deletion. Please note that once a user is deleted, it is permanent and cannot be restored.
